No Mercy 2000
October 22, 2000
Albany, NY
Reviewed on March 23, 2014
Background: The WWF-WCW war for all intents and purposes was over. The WWF had a checkmark next to every conceivable comparison you could make. Biggest stars? Check. Best wrestlers? Check. Most compelling storylines? Check. Characters fans cared the most about? Check. I could go on and on, but the war was just about over.
But interestingly enough, and this is sometimes forgotten over time, but the WWF had actually passed their peak as well. While numbers were still quite strong across the board, the RAW rating had went from a consistent high 5s to mid 6s (and sometimes low 7s) to high 4s to sometimes 6 flat. Once again, obviously great numbers, but not the super sky high numbers the WWF did through 1999 and early 2000. There were some reasons for that. One of which was the main storyline here, but also who those new characters were.
Although I personally prefer a combination of great wrestling and great storytelling…Crash TV at one point really was the way to go for the highest ratings. In 2000 the WWF moved away from that. There was a new focus on great matches and a lot of it had to do with the new talent WWF acquires or brought up though 2000 (Radicalz, Kurt Angle, William Regal, emergence of Edge, Christian and Hardyz). And well, the real draw of wrestling usually isn’t wrestling.
The other big thing going on at the time that really is up for debate is what Stone Cold Steve Austin’s return to the WWF meant in terms of business. For whatever reason, it didn’t do the crazy great business that Austin’s name on the marquee used to do. Once again it isn’t to say that it wasn’t successful, but ratings didn’t bump and actually trended downward once Austin came back. Now, while I’m using Austin’s comeback as a reference point here, I actually don’t think its Austin’s fault that ratings didn’t rise when he came back. It’s just the WWF, great matches and all, had its time in the Crash TV era. You can only have the same guys on top for so long before people don’t care anymore, at least in TV land. What Austin was doing in 1998 and 1999 was revolutionary. In 2000, it was the norm. I assume that’s why they went with the heel turn in 2001.
Anyway, I do think the main storyline coming into his comeback also hurt a bit. I get the idea to elevate Rikishi to the top, he was getting great face reactions, but this was totally out of left field and even the WWF kinda retconned it when HHH was the accomplice (even though, I did like Rikishi’s reasoning). This storyline needed a big payoff (HHH was logical, although it’s too bad HBK wasn’t active here). For the record this angle is my reasoning of why Undertaker can’t lose his Wrestlemania streak to just anyone to get them over. The fans won’t buy it. It needs to go to a top or near top guy to further cement them (like Daniel Bryan!)
Anyway, No Mercy 2000! The return of the Rattlesnake!
The Card
Awesome opening promo. It’s a takeoff of Stone Cold’s Survivor Series 96 promo with Bret Hart (the black and white I’m gonna kick your ass thing). “I’m looking at Rikishi, and I’m looking at deadman”.
Dudley Boyz Tag Team Elimination Invitational
Too Cool vs. Lo-Down vs. Raven and Tazz vs. the Dudley Boyz vs. Goodfather and Bull Buchanan
Funny enough, Too Cool look like Public Enemy bringing a table with them and dancing.
This is like a Tag Team Turmoil match…just you gotta put someone through a table to eliminate them.
D’Lo looks a bit out of shape. This was his last gimmick before he was gone.
Some talk about Edge and Christian being sick and unable to be in this match. This is part of something awesome later.
Both Lo-Down members end up going through a table. Too Cool advances.
Tazz and Raven next. This could have been an ECW dream match at one time.
Grandmaster Sexay’s feet accidentally destroy a table. That didn’t give away that it was gimmicked now did it? (And Big Show should be angered he lost the IC title for the same thing in 2012).
Scotty does a WORM under a table. Nice.
Scotty gets double suplexes through the table right after. I swear Scotty loses more matches when he does the worm than when he doesn’t.
Dudley time. They didn’t even get last position in their own match.
It’s amazing how the former ECW Tag Champs are destroying two former ECW World Champs.
D-Von legdrops Tazz through a table. Here come the RTC!
The Dudley Boyz win in 12:18. Stupid finish here. Bull accidentally clotheslines the referee. Bubba powerbombs Bull Buchanan through the table, but the ref didn’t see it since he’s out. Goodfather with the chair shot takes out Bubba and he lands in the table wreckage Ref wakes up and calls it for the RTC…which would have been a fine finish for the heels cheating to win. But a 2nd ref comes in and tells the 1st ref what happened…match restart…3D through table for win. So, why don’t we have two referees for everything then? Still a fun little match though.
We get a quick Trish, Test and Albert discussion about it being okay if Trish’s boobs fall out. I’m sure everyone agrees.
By gawd, it’s Rikishi! He’s got a sledgehammer!
At lot of the commentary during the tables match was that Stone Cold wasn’t at the arena yet. JR guarantees he will be.
Lita and the APA vs. Trish and T & A
Lita had the worst theme music in the WWF at this time.
Story here: Strip poker game with Trish, Test, Albert and the APA went wrong. Also Trish hates Lita. SO here we are.
T & A beats the crap out of the APA backstage.
It’s a 3 on 1 attack on Lita…but of course the Hardyz make the save. I mean, it would have been stupid if they hadn’t, right?
No match, which is always stupid, but I don’t think it was made until late anyway, and it’s way to get them all on the PPV I guess.
Edge and Christian backstage and not sick! Pretty awesome interview using the word nuts. Anyway, they’ll be there to watch Los Conquistadores win the tag titles!
Steel Cage Match
X-Pac vs. Chris Jericho
I believe the story stems off of the HHH vs. Jericho feud through the summer. Jericho beat X-Pac at Unforgiven. They’ve been feuding since.
Weird start where Jericho baseball slides X-Pac as he was coming through the door. So they end up fighting around the outside. I usually don’t like cage matches that have outside fighting, with a few exceptions.
Jericho rockets X-Pac into the cage…and I do believe X-Pac injured his neck there which is why we don’t see him again until February.
Backdrop into the cage and X-Pac lands on his head (although the ropes helped break the fall). That might have been where the injury happened.
X-Pac goes for the pin. I never understood those spots where people go for pins in non-pinfall matches.
Big boos for the Bronco Buster.
Powerbomb from the top rope. To be honest, some of these spots are cool, but the match just isn’t clicking.
Jericho gets a Walls on the top of the cage, but it looks like crap…and Jericho goes crashing back into the ring.
Chris Jericho wins by escape in 10:40. Okay, here is one of the best cage match spots ever. X-Pac has it won and is about to escape. X-Pac stands on the top of the open door and celebrates, and Jericho dropkicks the cage making X-Pac crotch the door! Jericho escapes for the win. Finish was great. Match was fine I guess. Problems with it were that fans were disappointed Jericho had went from fighting HHH and Benoit to X-Pac so they never thought he was losing…and X-Pac heat started around this time.
Steve Blackman at WWF New York!
Foley’s Office. Rikishi demands to know where Austin is. Foley said if he doesn’t show, he’ll raise Rikishi’s hand.
Apparently Eddie Guerrero got hurt against Billy Gunn on RAW for an IC title match. So…
Eddie Guerrero and Chyna vs. Val Venis and Steven Richards
This was the last days of Mr. Ass. At least until 2003. Gunn would lose the name to the RTC in a few weeks.
Chyna was still very over at this point. I don’t know where it went off the rails for her exactly, but she was done in nine months. Gunn would be done as a potential top guy after having a bad match with Benoit in December.
I do think they should have went with the Outlaws again here as they would have been a perfect foil for RTC.
Some psychology! They work on Gunn’s shoulder, which he just came back from having surgery on.
Never liked Chyna’s cartwheel elbow. The elbow part was always so weak.
Val Venis and Steven Richards win when Val pins Chyna in 7:10. Goodfather and Bull take out Gunn (to no DQ?). Chyna is about to Pedigree Val, but Guerrero wins in and smashes her in the back with a pipe disguised by flowers. Val gets the win. Nothing really to say here. Not bad, not good. Not anything. RTC were natural heat magnets and Chyna was pretty damn over.
HHH is backstage. This was his small time as a face before the Austin angle played out. Stephanie McMahon wants to be at ringside with HHH. HHH thinks it’s too dangerous for her to be at ringside with Benoit out there. They start to argue a bit when she talks about helping her business partner Kurt Angle.
No Holds Barred
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rikishi
Just as Foley comes out to raise Rikishi’s hand…here comes Austin in a truck!
Austin gets a huge pop of course.
This is ALL Austin. All Austin. I’ll explain why that wasn’t the way to go afterwards.
Austin beats the shit out of Rikishi with a chair. Rikishi’s busted. Rikishi has gotten a little offense and a kick in.
Stone Cold and Rikishi wrestled to a no contest in 9:21. Austin puts Rikishi in his truck and brings him to the street. Austin then tries to run over Rikishi, but the police intervene and arrest Austin. Pretty sure that means Rikishi should be the winner, but whatever. The brawl is pretty good for what it is, but the problem is the booking all the way. I’m going to take some time to explain what’s wrong with this angle and where and why it went wrong, assuming that no matter what the WWF was going to go with Rikishi. And by the way, if Austin gets arrested here, shouldn’t Rikishi have been arrested for running over Austin in the first place?
Okay, so I wrote earlier in the background about why Rikishi was not the best choice for the angle…but once WWF decided it was him, they had to stick with it. The first match between the two here at No Mercy needed to be a 50:50 (or even a Rikishi beat down)…although understandably you want Stone Cold to look good and kick ass on his return match. Here’s why you can’t have an Austin beatdown: it kills Rikishi.
Think of it this way. Wrestlemania XXX, John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt. If Cena kills Wyatt in a 10 minute match, what happens? It’s practically the end of Wyatt. What if Wyatt beats down Cena or it’s a 50:50 match where Cena barely wins? Heck what if it’s a five minute squashing of season, what happens? Makes Wyatt look like gold and doesn’t hurt Cena one bit. For example, Wyatt beating Daniel Bryan at the Royal Rumble is perfect. Made Wyatt look great, didn’t hurt Bryan one bit.
Well the idea of taking Rikishi seriously as a top guy went to hell. Rikishi had flashes with the main event…but this was his first true test and he looked like a chump. AND when he went back to a dancing fool eight months later well, I believe that was one of the storylines that killed the goodwill of the fans from the Attitude era. Even if he flopped as a heel (not like his turn to babyface worked or anything), the thing he did (running over Austin) was bad enough that he had to stay there. By the way once HHH was involved in the feud, well, you might as well have stuck a fork in Rikishi as it is. (Also for the record, the four guys WWF was pushing toward the top in 2000 were Angle, Benoit, Jericho and Rikishi. The only one to get a big win over a main eventer was Angle, and not surprisingly, he was the biggest star of the four up until 2008).
Back to our regularly scheduled programming.
WWF European Championship
William Regal© vs. Naked Mideon
Regal tells us that Foley said Mideon had to wear clothes. Thank god.
Early on Mideon teases the shirt taking off and Regal is disgusted. Regal’s facial reactions are amazing.
Shirt comes off. Ugh.
OH MY GOD CENSOR THAT SHIT NETWORK. Pants went flying off.
William Regal retains the title by pin in 6:10. There is a funny moment at the end as Regal goes for the Regal Stretch but doesn’t want to touch Mideon (understandable) and goes for the Regal Cutter instead. By otherwise that was awful. How Naked Mideon didn’t win the Wrestling Observer Newsletter’s Worst Gimmick is beyond me. Yes this is worse than the shit WCW did to Mike Awesome.
Now for some awesomeness. They show the Kurt Angle-Rock “interview”. Angle spliced up old Rock interviews to make it seem like he ran down Stone Cold and that fans don’t want Rock to win tonight. Great stuff. Angle was hilarious.
Now for some more awesomeness! The Los Conquistadores! They are interviewed by Kevin Kelly (no idea Kelly made it this long). Of course Kelly gets no answers.
WWF World Tag Team Championship
The Hardy Boyz© vs. Los Conquistadores
Story here: The Hardyz beat Edge and Christian and Mick Foley said no more tag title shots. Suddenly Los Conquistadores returned to the WWF and won a tag team battle royal to win this title shot. Oddly they never seem to be in the same video shot as Edge and Christian…so of course everyone thinks they are Edge and Christian. At this moment we don’t have proof though.
They play it up so great. Somersaults. The way they walk to the ring. Conversing with the Spanish announcers. Edge and Chri….I mean the Los Conquistadores are great.
The worked disgust of Jim Ross is incredible.
Another awesome thing here. The match sucks…but it has to because Edge and Christian have a totally different moveset than Los Conquistadores.
We finally do get a flying dive over the top that Christian normally does. But still.
Los Conquistadores win the title when Uno (I think) pins Matt Hardy. Matt unmakes Dos…but Dos has ANOTHER mask on! Brilliant! Uno hits the Unprettier for the win! Crowd pops for it too! Match sucked…but it was supposed to! Great stuff.
Ugh it must have been cut out for some reason…but there’s an interview afterwards with the new Tag Champs and then Edge and Christian walk into the shot and make the challenge for tomorrow on RAW! That had a great payoff as well. Great angle to extend the Hardyz vs. E and C feud.
Triple H vs. Chris Benoit
Story here: Benoit headbutted Stephanie. HHH wants revenge.
HHH works on the knee. I don’t think the technical route made sense for the story…but that’s not a big deal. Not like it’s Orton vs. HHH at Mania which made no sense.
Lawler and Ross state that they are shocked that HHH is outwrestling Benoit. Which just puts both guys over.
HHH busts out an Indian Deathlock! How come we don’t see that anymore?
He then bridges the Deathlock with a neck vise! Nice!
Now Benoit works on the arm. Hammerlock back suplex. Great old school technical wrestling match.
Perfect inverted suplex from HHH. This is really shaping up as a great match.
Full nelson suplex from Benoit!
Another one!
HHH gets out of a Crossface by getting to his feet and hitting a Death Valley Driver!
Stephanie’s out here! Slap to Benoit! This leads to…
Triple H pins Chris Benoit in 18:33. Great Crossface to Pedigree to Crossface to Pedigree counterfest that HHH ends with a low blow, the Pedigree and the pin. Great match. Shame that it didn’t propel Benoit to the main event. I feel like in this match HHH was out to prove that he’s just as much of a wrestler as Benoit is. He isn’t, but I mean, he can be damn good when he wants to be.
AH! Here’s the Edge and Christian-Los Conquistadores backstage thing I was wondering about earlier!
WWF World Championship
The Rock© vs. Kurt Angle
Story here: Match has weird dynamics storywise, as The Rock is caught between two storylines…the Rikishi-Austin one and the HHH-Stephanie-Angle triangle. Stephanie is in Angle’s corner because she is out to prove she’s not a liability at ringside.
Match is suddenly announced as a no DQ match.
Really driving home the Stephanie factor early as Angle takes control over a Steph distraction.
Also establishing the Angle meanstreak with a chair shot.
HHH is watching this match on a TV that is seriously blue.
Rock smashes a steel chair on Angle’s ankle! Ouch!
Rock with a good sharpshooter! Angle taps…but Steph distracts the referee. I don’t like Angle’s tapout there to be honest, way too early.
You know what’s weird? Watching an Angle match with him going for the Ankle Lock every two minutes. Angle didn’t have that in his arsenal I believe until February 2001 and the rematch with the Rock.
More Steph interference…and Angle gets a belt shot to the head on The Rock! But Rock survives!
Rock and Angle just have awesome chemistry.
I always liked Rock’s belly to belly suplex/throw.
Rock Bottom to Stephanie!
Angle just stops the People’s Elbow on Stephanie though.
HHH is down here. Pedigree to the Rock after he attacked Angle!
Now we have Rikishi down here.
Angle knew to attack him…Rikishi hit him back and rolled him back into the ring.
Kurt Angle wins the WWF Title by pin in 21:01. Rikishi accidentally nails Rock with a butt avalanche and a superkick. Olympic Slam to Rikishi! A perfect Olympic Slam to The Rock for the 1…2…3! Angle ends the show with one of the most iconic World title victory celebrations with the dropping to the knees and crying. Rock bitches out Rikishi, and rightfully so. Interference was a bit much, but a great match is a great match.
I already expressed my frustration with the Rikishi-Austin angle earlier. The rest of it was fine, although proving Stephanie matters was a bit much. I can’t put this show in the A range though. While there is some really good stuff, including basically all of the last half of the show there was a lot of stuff that didn’t matter (Cage, sadly Austin-Rikishi). Also Naked Mideon is the absolute worst.
I can’t get past Austin-Rikishi. Fun brawl sure, but if I paid for this show when it first aired, I would have felt a bit ripped off with it. And it was the first step that killed Rikishi.
Very good show overall though.
Final Grade: B+