WCW Spring Stampede ‘94
April 17, 1994
Chicago, IL
Reviewed on June 7, 2014
An interesting era for WCW here. This is the last remnants of the old school NWA/WCW…as Hulkamania was only three months away. Ric Flair had come back to WCW last year and won the World Title at Starrcade, so Hogan vs. Flair was on the horizon. But first, a real throwback. Flair vs. Steamboat captivated audiences in the late 80s, with some hailing their matches as the greatest of all time. What could go wrong with a rematch?
We seem some of the last great days of some wrestlers here (Rick Rude) as the near end of some great WCW runs (Cactus Jack, Steve Austin). But for now, this is the last of the pre-Hogan era, and it is critically acclaimed. Let’s see how it looks 20 years later.
The Card
This show is apparently important enough to get an on-air National Anthem. Not sure if that means anything.
Johnny B. Badd vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Page was still a midcarder here. I think I’ve written enough about my dislike for Badd.
DDP looks a bit heavy here.
Kimberly! Woo!
DDP looks like the indy version of Diesel.
This actually hasn’t been that bad. It’s not particularly exciting, but it’s not horrid like I expected.
Johnny B. Badd pins Page in 5:55. Top rope sunset flip for the win. Not terrible, but pretty forgettable. Matched seemed like it was 3/4ths the speed it should have been.
WCW Television Championship
Steven Regal© vs. Flyin’ Brian
Pillman and Regal have some nice exchanges early.
Pillman works on the arm. A little weird as Regal has his leg bandaged and it seems like that should be the target.
There actually is some history here. Last year the Hollywood Blondes were the tag champs, but Pillman got hurt and Regal subbed in for him. Austin and Regal lost the belts.
This match has turned into Regal stretching Pillman for 10 minutes. Not sure why they went that route.
It’s being announced that 10 minutes have expired and 5 minutes are left. I feel like the finish is obvious.
Regal retains via time limit draw in 15:00. Ugh, a time limit draw. Pillman makes his last minute comeback but it doesn’t work as they go over the top rope. Regal for some reason when time was expiring went back into the ring. Horrible logic. Disappointing match considering who is involved. Regal just stretched Pillman for 12 of the 15 minutes, and it killed all the momentum. End was good until the very end. And the finish sucks.
Col. Robert Parker with Bunkhouse Bunk interview. Nothing really to note here.
Chicago Street Fight
Nasty Boys vs. Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne
Part of a huge de-push for Cactus…he was feuding with World Champ Vader last year.
Fun brawl here reminds me of some ECW ’95 stuff.
Holy shit that was a shovel shot right to Foley’s head.
Foley just gets shoved off the stage and he takes a back bump. God damn.
The Nasty Boys win when Sags pins Cactus in 8:58. Another sick shovel shot to Foley’s head while he lies on the concrete. Then the pin. Wow. This is 1994? This match is years ahead of its time and Foley takes a really sick bump on the floor at the end. Great brawl even if it seemed rather messy at times.
Badd wants a US Title Match. Woo?
WCW US Championship
Stunning Steve Austin© vs. The Great Muta
Er…I believe this is heel vs. heel. Sounds like a disaster.
There are big Muta chants, so I’m wrong about heel vs. heel.
Pretty slow to start, with Muta wearing down Austin.
They are announcing the time again. Does this have a time limit?
Austin with a creative jump off the middle of the middle rope. No typo there.
Muta uses Austin’s own move, the stun gun. Nice.
Top rope hurricanrana!
Muta kicks Parker off the apron! Crowd is hot.
Stunning Steve wins by DQ in 16:30. Ugh, Muta backdrops Austin over the top and gets DQed. That finish will never be any good. Crowd was just getting into this and it was picking up. Finish ruined it. Slow match that did build up. Just ugh.
WCW International Championship
Rick Rude© vs. Sting
The International Championship was a weird title that was a spinoff of the NWA World Title I believe. It used the Big Gold Belt though, which was smartly changed to the WCW World Title when Flair unified it by beating Sting (omg spoiler).
Harley Race comes out and says Vader wants the winner of this. Race attacks Sting and Sting blasts him.
Here we go! Sting starts off on fire!
Rude works on the back, which is ironic considering what would happen two weeks later.
No idea Rude had a victory roll in his arsenal, even if it was botched a bit.
Whoa Rude sells a backdrop by rotating all around. I’ve probably seen him do that before, but still. He doesn’t land on his feet though.
Sting fights them off, but Rude retakes control.
Harley Race screws up the finish by forgetting his role, leaving Rude to just wait there!
Sting pins Rude to win the title in 12:50. Rude goes for Rude Awakening, but Race swings a chair and Sting escapes, and Rude gets nailed. Sting gets rid of Race and wins. Decent match, although it felt a little off. I’d even say it was good. Rude would injure his back in the rematch 2 weeks later, ending his active wrestling career.
Bunkhouse Match
Bunkhouse Buck vs. Dustin Rhodes
Dustin Rhodes bleeds pretty early here after a piece of wood gets broken over his head.
Brutal belt whipping from Bunk. Ouch.
This has been a good old school brawl.
Bulldog! But Dustin chases Parker away.
Bunk pins Dustin in 14:11. Brass knuckles shot for the win. I think the Bulldog would have been a fine finish, but this works too. Pretty solid brawl.
Vader and Rude go at it in the back.
The Boss vs. Vader
I must say, it took some big stones to name the Bossman the Boss and dress him up as cop. No wonder they got sued.
Man Boss is over. (CLEVER!) Vader accidentally takes out Race.
Boss just drops Vader on the railing. Serious strength there.
Vader just backdrops Boss over the top rope. I never knew the Bossman did stuff like this.
Boss one arm slams Vader off the ropes when Vader went for the Vader Bomb. Wow!
DDT off the top from Boss? What?!
Bossman comes off the top and Vader catches in midair and slams! What?!
Vader pins The Boss in 9:58. Vadersault! Wow, this was a really good match. I had no idea that the Boss could do any of this. Postmatch shows Boss beat up Vader with a nightstick, and Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel stops him…and actually takes his gimmick away. This is because they were getting sued, of course.
WCW World Championship
Ric Flair© vs. Ricky Steamboat
The joke here is that there’s no story here: they just looked for an excuse to have these two have a great match.
Mat wrestling to start, but a vicious slap wakes the crowd up by Steamboat.
A lot of the match focuses on how well each man knows the other. Good stuff.
Steamboat gets a figure four on Flair! Nice!
Steamboat with the most obvious counter to the figure four that I’d never seen, just using his hands to block Ric dropping the leg.
Flair and Steamboat wrestle to a no-contest via double pin in 32:19. Steamboat gets several near falls, then locks in a double chickenwing, the move that won him the title in 1989. Flair counters by dropping back, so he ends up on top of Steamboat still in the hold. Both men’s shoulders are down for the count. Steamboat thinks he’s won and the crowd does too, but the commish rewards the title to Flair. Look, it’s a great match, but I’m never going to buy a draw as a finish to the main event. Maybe that worked in the 80s, but this is 1994. The Saturday Night rematch should have happened 1st, then this should have been the rematch. For the record while I do think this match is great…it does feel a little forced in terms of the rematch. It feels more like a tribute to their 1989 series and doesn’t stand on its own.
What a tough PPV to judge. Positives: Several good to great matches. Innovative stuff with the Street Fight. Negatives: Every title match had a bullshit finish (Time Limit draw, over the top DQ, Race nails Rude with a chair, double pin), some matches that could have absolutely owned didn’t (Regal-Pillman).
I also don’t think Flair vs. Steamboat is revolutionary or anything that would put this PPV over the top. Just a great match.
This PPV had A+ potential, but way too much eh stuff brought it down big. If the main had a finish I’d be happier, but it didn’t so I’m not. It’s still pretty good overall though.
Final Grade: B+