WWF Royal Rumble 2000
January 23, 2000
New York, NY
Reviewed on January 7, 2015
You knew WCW was dead when the WWF’s biggest problem wasn’t their competition anymore. No, the WWF’s problem was that for the first time in this wrestling boom, they were left without Stone Cold Steve Austin.
After Survivor Series, the main event seemed really thin without Austin and an injured Undertaker. Big Show had won the WWF Title, but was in a midcard feud with the Big Bossman. Mankind had gotten ridiculously out of shape, and was busy in tag teams with Al Snow. Kane had lost some of his luster for sure stemming from the teaming and now feuding with X-Pac angle. Only Triple H and The Rock seemed poised for the very top at this point. Someone had to replace Austin at the top, and who better than the Rock?
But the WWF built the 2000 Royal Rumble so well that none of this mattered. First off was due to the hard work of Mick Foley. Foley was debating about ending his career and wanted a last run as a babyface against HHH. Vince initially shot it down, telling Mick he was too fat (“Mick, you’re huge”) at this point and it wouldn’t work. But when he realized Big Show wasn’t ready for the very top yet and the crowd wasn’t there for him, he decided to go with Foley vs. HHH at the Rumble. This made tons of sense as well, as The Rock seemed like an obvious Royal Rumble winner. I assume Undertaker, who was due to return at the Rumble, would have been the Rock’s biggest hurdle, but Taker hurt his arm in rehab and wasn’t able to return yet. Suddenly, with a motivated Mick Foley, the Royal Rumble seemed like a bad ass show.
The Card
Awesome opening video. You know a Rumble card is built well when the World Title match is just as hyped as the Rumble match itself.
Kurt Angle vs. ???
Angle had been on a winning streak since his debut at Survivor Series. He had been an entertaining heel since his debut for sure.
There had been Tazz videos on RAW and Smackdown over the past few weeks. So it’s not like the opponent was really in doubt.
Angle runs down Patrick Ewing, with his 100% correct assessment that the Knicks can’t win a title with him.
The crowd pops HUGE for Tazz.
One thing that was absolutely true and was half the reason Tazz never made it as a top guy: he was too small, and he wasn’t a Benoit type.
Belly to belly off the top gets Tazz a close two.
Tazz suplexes Angle all around for a minute. See, the idea of “keeping someone strong” is bs sometimes. This didn’t hurt Angle one bit.
Tazz makes Angle pass out in 3:10. Tazz locks on the Tazzmission and Angle passes out. The angle is weird here, as King and JR call it a choke and not a sleeper, giving Kurt an out in regards to the undefeated streak. Angle does a stretcher job. Fun match that got the point across. A great moment too.
For the record, the other thing that killed Tazz was when Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn and Malenko showed up the next week. Became hard to care about Tazz’s debut at that point.
Tag Team Tables Match
The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz
This is when Terri was with the Hardyz. The Hardyz made themselves (despite a previous tag title reign) with the tag team ladder match back at No Mercy. This is the first ever Tag Tables Match.
We get a PG version of the Dudley ECW promo. Bubba Ray says his hero is John Rocker. Rocker of course was the Atlanta Braves closer who said bad things about New Yorkers.
Jeff justs nails Bubba with a chair. Ouch!
Bubba Ray Dudley throws a table into Jeff as he was running off the barricade! Nice.
Matt and Jeff drive Bubba through a table! Jeff off the top rope and Matt off a ladder. This was on the floor as well!
Awesome spot here. D-Von moves out of the way as Matt tries to drive him through a table and Matt goes flying though. But then D-Von moved to where another table was and Jeff tried to drive him though, but HE missed too.
Dudleyz put a table on the steps in the ring…and Matt gets powerbombed through!
Random genius booking about these matches: the fact that when one member of a team goes through a table they DON’T get sent to the back leaving a handicap match.
First ever table stack, but it’s Bubba who goes flying through as Matt nails him in the head with a steel chair. First time we’ve ever seen that.
The Hardy Boyz win in 10:19. Matt puts D-Von on two tables, and Jeff hits the Swanton Bomb off the balcony for the win. Awesome. One of the matches that led to the TLC era. Also one of matches that really put the nail in the coffin for ECW, as this was a well produced version of the balcony stuff ECW had done in the past.
While I cringe at concussion based angles, Kurt’s pretty hilarious here with “did I win? Did I win? I’m undefeated?”
Bikini Contest: Jacqueline, BB, Ivory, Terri, Mae Young, The Kat and Luna
Ugh. Terri famously steals the show here, only for Mae Young’s top to come off and for her to be crowned the winner.
It’s interesting to see the state of the WWF Divas (well they weren’t called that yet) after Sable but before Lita and Trish Stratus. I mean outside of Chyna, the most popular women were Kat and Terri.
Thank god that horriblness is over. That might have been the worst moment in WWE and Madison Square Garden history. Mark Henry did make the save.
I will say Lawler’s comments about the Kat are a lot funnier in retrospect.
WWF Intercontinental Championship
Chris Jericho© vs. Chyna© vs. Hardcore Holly
Yeah, Jericho and Chyna were both the IC Champion. Not a very memorable moment for the IC title for sure. Jericho and Chyna can’t decide who gets to bring the title out, so Earl Hebner does.
I can’t remember for the life of me how Hardcore Holly got dragged into this.
Chyna gets booed by the MSG crowd while there’s a big pop for Jericho.
I do think it’s a shame Chyna was nuts, because I think there was a lot of money to be made with her.
Holly going for a hurricanrana was begging for a Walls counter. I mean really.
I don’t think Chyna is trying. Gets tossed on the outside and doesn’t land correctly. Then misses a dropkick when trying to kick a chair in Holly’s face.
Double top rope splash! Thankfully Holly kicks out.
Chris Jericho becomes undisputed IC Champion when he pinned Chyna in 7:31. Bulldog and lionsault for the win. I think there’s a spot there where Jericho doesn’t know what to do, but either it’s edited or it’s not as obvious as Jericho made it out to be. Anyway, the Chyna-Jericho angle wouldn’t end till a couple of months later when she went with Eddie.
Rock promo. As long as he can get by Mosh and Crash, he’s unstoppable in the Rumble!
WWF World Tag Team Championship
The New Age Outlaws© vs. The Acolytes
Fun fact: this would be the last pre A.P.A Acolyte match.
Ref bump 2 minutes in. Okay then.
The New Age Outlaws retain when Gunn pinned Bradshaw in 2:35. Fameasser for the win. This got cut for time obviously, as HHH vs. Cactus Jack is getting a half hour. BUT, we couldn’t cut a minute or two off of Mae Young?
WWF World Championship: Street Fight
Triple H© vs. Cactus Jack
Amazing build for this one. HHH fired Foley during the beginning of the McMahon-Helmsley era, but The Rock forced a Foley comeback. Mankind, in what today is still a top 10 Smackdown moment, transformed into Cactus Jack and got this street fight. HHH promised that what Rock did to Foley at the 99 Rumble in the I Quit match will pale in comparison to what happens at the 2000 Rumble.
We get the early establishment that HHH isn’t completely scared of Jack…but he has to make sure he has a chair with him when challenging him.
Legdrop on HHH’s face with a chair. Ouch.
Some really great brawling early on. Suplexes on wooden pallets and garbage cans.
Barbie in the house. That would be Foley’s nickname for his 2×4 with barbed wire.
Earl Hebner takes Barbie and hides it behind the Spanish announce table…but when Jack threatens Hebner he gives it up! Nice creativity you don’t see anymore.
Jack beats the living shit out of HHH with Barbie, including a head shot that leads to HHH bleeding all over the place.
Jack goes for the piledriver on the desk, but HHH counters with a backdrop.
Some more violence and out come the handcuffs…shades of last year’s Rumble.
Wicked chair shot that breaks the chair…and Foley stays on his feet! He ends up taking another shot and crashing to the floor with no way to protect himself, being in handcuffs and all.
Underrated great spot here: Jack is begging HHH to smack him with the chair, and HHH goes to do so…only for The Rock to come out and nail HHH with a chair and leave. Jack gets freed by a cop.
Piledriver on the desk happens this time and it doesn’t break. It looked like it killed HHH though.
As if this wasn’t violent enough…thumbtacks!
Jack gets backdropped on the tacks!
Jack kicks out of the pedigree…and the crowd goes NUTS.
Triple H retains by pin in 26:55. HHH follows up with a Pedigree on the thumbtacks! The pin follows and with that, an argument for both Mick Foley’s and HHH’s best matches ever. HHH gets stretchered out…but somehow Cactus Jack isn’t done with him. HHH takes another shot from Barbie for good measure.
An incredible, knock down, drag out violent brawl. This match is the one that turned HHH into upper midcarder ridiculously hanging with Austin and Rock to bonafide bad ass top heel here. It’s also jarring watching the last eight months of Mankind matches…then watching this one. Incredible all around.
2000 Royal Rumble
D’Lo Brown is #1 and Grandmaster Sexay is #2. Not quite Austin and McMahon.
JR with the comment of the night. Lawler: “Grandmaster Sexay? I thought he was luckier than this.” JR: “Some say Grandmaster was unlucky at birth”. Sexay is Lawler’s son, of course.
#3 is Mosh. Rock was worried about him!
It always seemed weird that the Headbangers didn’t make it in the Attitude Era.
Taka Michinoku and Funaki run out. The story here is that they were angered they weren’t in the Rumble. They are taken care of quickly.
#4 is Christian. He would have a big 2000.
#5 is Rikishi. Rikishi had been getting big reactions and got put over with a near win over HHH for the title. A long run here could really cement him as a major player. He gets a huge reaction here and dumps Mosh right away.
Rikishi gets rid of Christian right away too. He tosses D’Lo, and then we are left with RIkishi and Grandmaster.
#6 is Scotty 2 Hotty. In a memorable moment, they dance. Right at the end Rikishi tosses Scotty and Grandmaster, stating it’s just business. Good stuff.
Steve Blackman is #7 to face off with Rikishi. Rikishi gets him out in a minute.
Viscera is #8, creating the monster vs. monster show down and stopping Rikishi’s momentum.
Maybe not, Rikishi eliminates Vis on his own! #9 is the Bossman.
Bossman stops Rikishi’s momentum a really smart way…by not getting into the ring until #10, Test comes down. Test and Bossman had a feud of some kind I think here.
#11 is The British Bulldog. #12 is Gangrel. Not really a lot happening here.
Funaki and Taka run in again…and again are tossed out. Taka takes a crazy bump over the top there and gets knocked out.
Good reaction for #13, Edge, but really outside of Rikishi this has been a really weak first half of the Rumble.
#14 is Mr. Bob Backlund! JR with another great line: “What the hell is Bob Backlund doing here?”
Everyone tosses Rikishi, really killing any star power the ring had. Still, a star making performance from Rikishi there.
Crowd erupts for #15, which is Chris Jericho. He dropkicks Backlund out.
The Rock’s other fear, #16 is Crash Holly!
#17 is Chyna. She suplexes Jericho out…and Bossman eliminates her quickly. Lame.
#18 is Faarooq. At least he’s fresh! Mean Street Posse run in, which leads to Faarooq’s elimination from the Bossman.
#19 is Road Dogg. #20 is Al Snow. We’re waiting for Rock and Big Show here.
Road Dogg gets the Bulldog out.
#21 is Val Venis. Funaki is back…but he is gone once again.
#22 is Prince Albert. He and the Bossman have an issue and they go at it. Edge is gone as well.
This is Rumble where Road Dogg held onto the bottom rope the whole time. Genius stuff.
#23 is Hardcore Holly.
#24 is FINALLY The Rock. Gets rid of Bossman right away.
#25 is Billy Gunn.
The Rock eliminates his biggest rival: Crash Holly.
#26 is the Big Show. The main players are here.
Big Show kicks Test out of the Rumble, and Gangrel is next.
#27 is Bradshaw. The Posse wastes no time in attacking Bradshaw. Bradshaw takes care of them, but the Outlaws dump him.
#28 is Kane. Funny thing here: the build-up basically told us Show or Rock was winning this thing, but on Smackdown the WWF must have realized they needed to make it seem someone else could win, thus, Kane won a three man battle royal between him, Rock and Show. WWF really didn’t know how to book Kane without Undertaker being involved.
Kane gets rid of Val.
#29 is Godfather. Always an easy pop.
Kane gets rid of Albert.
Funaki is back for a fourth time! And he’s gone again.
Lawler took way too much pleasure in Taka getting hurt.
#30 is X-Pac. Your winner is in the ring (he was before this too). I believe X-Pac won a match for #30.
Hardcore Holly is gone. As is the Godfather.
Rock gets rid of Snow. Billy Gunn dumps his partner. Kane gets rid of him too.
Kane, Big Show, Rock and X-Pac.
Rock tosses X-Pac, but ref was dealing with Kane and the Outlaws on the outside. Interesting they used the cheating angle here.
Big powerslam from Kane to the Show! But X-Pac gets rid of him!
Big Show military presses X-Pac and he’s gone. Rock vs. Big Show.
The Rock wins in 51:54. Big Show chokeslams Rock, then takes his time to toss him. Rock counters though and hangs onto the top rope…and Big Show crashes to the floor. Rock cuts a promo, but Big Show attacks!
I found this to be a pretty weak Rumble overall. Other than Rikishi’s run, the first 2/3rds of it is a whole lot of nothing. Just midcarder after midcarder after midcarder (with Bob Backlund!). Still, everything after the Rock showed up was hot, and the right man won (kinda, the storyline would be that Rock’s feet actually hit, allowing Big Show to get a rematch with him at No Way Out…which led to the 4 Way at Mania).
Average Rumble aside…this is one of those times the rest of the show on the Rumble card was really fantastic. Opener was a great moment, Tag Tables was awesome, World Title match was incredible. If there wasn’t some random garbage in there (tag titles and Mae Young), this would be a clear easy A. But it’s still not much worse than that.
Final Grade: A-