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The (Fictional) World Series of Smash

                A random rant about the competitive video game community first. While I enjoy participating in and watching Super Smash Bros. tournaments, I always wished there was more diversity in them. Sure, the idea of competitive gaming is to minimize luck and maximize skill. But I believe more can be done to have casuals play more tournaments as well to expand the game. Giving casuals events they can do well in as well providing a tournament scene that allows them to have fun and not feel bad about losing to competitive players could only grow the Super Smash Bros. community.

If I ever become rich and wealthy, I would look to create a World Series of Smash, a series of tournaments that provide big money Guarantees for small buy-ins. I would try to have Nintendo endorse the series as well (so no Project M or Super Smash Flash) in this fictional scenario. I would look to have every single match recorded and uploaded. While some (most) of the events are standard double elimination style tournaments, some of the events are tournament types not even remotely seen in the Smash community. Right now, it’s just a dream.

Event #1

Game: Melee

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $15,000

Event #2

Game: Smash 4

Rules: Single Elimination

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $10,000

Event #3

Game: Smash 4

Rules: 4 v 4, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20 ($5 per player)

Guaranteed: $3,000

Event #4

Game: Brawl

Rules: 1 Stock, 3 Min, Best of Sevens, Double Elimination, Randoms

Buy-in: $10

Guaranteed: $4,000

Event #5

Game: Smash 4

Rules: Best of Fives, Must use different character each time.

Buy-in: $10

Guaranteed: $6,000

Event #6

Game: Smash 4

Rules: 8 Player Smash, 15 Mins, 10% of highest scores advance (closest to a multiple of 8).

Buy-in: $10

Guaranteed: $4,000

Event #7

Game: Smash 4

Rules: 3 v 3, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $21 ($7 per team)

Guaranteed: $3,000

Event #8

Game: Smash 4

Rules: 4 Player Smash, 10 HP, Randoms, Customs On, Single Elimination

Buy-in: $5

Guaranteed: $2,500

Event #9

Game: Melee

Rules: Single Elimination, Best of Sevens

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $15,000

Event #10

Game: Brawl

Rules: Double Elimination, Low Items

Buy-in: $10

Guaranteed: $3,000

Event #11

Game: 64, Melee, Brawl, 4

Rules: Double Elimination, Game selection is a counterpick option. Game choice at the beginning is a result of striking.

Buy-in: $10

Guaranteed: $2,000

Event #12 (64 Main Event)

Game: 64

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $6,000

Event #13 (64 Teams Main Event)

Game: 64

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20 ($10 per player)

Guaranteed: $4,000

Event #14 (Melee Main Event)

Game: Melee

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $40,000

Event #15 (Melee Teams Main Event)

Game: Melee

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20 ($10 per player)

Guaranteed: $20,000

Event #16 (Brawl Main Event)

Game: Brawl

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $15,000

Event #17 (Brawl Teams Main Event)

Game: Brawl

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20 ($10 per player)

Guaranteed: $8,000

Event #18 (Smash 4 Main Event)

Game: Smash 4

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20

Guaranteed: $25,000

Event #19 (Smash 4 Teams Main Event)

Game: Smash 4

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $20 ($10 per player)

Guaranteed: $8,000

Event #20

Game: Smash 4

Rules: Standard Tournament, Double Elimination

Buy-in: $50

Guaranteed: $20,000